Ball Polonaise-Miami.
This "Cinderella Ball" next week. Wow all baronesses, countesses, princesses are going nuts what to wear. Winter ball has rules And you better follow. It is winter so at least 3/4 sleeves, dress long to the floor, nothing strapless. Also pink, cream or light color of the dress. Remember this is ball not a cocktail at the bar or your friends house. I forgot what is a name of that island where you buy a title of baroness, lady etc. You still have time. I think that baroness goes for $5,000.00.and up. mermaid beach wedding dress
I might pop in to see how many more titles we got. I do not know what to do, I have a dress, choferour, limo,hotel , escort and still cannot make a decision. In end of 80 and beginning of 90 Palm Beach had Polish associations of Aristocracy. God these were balls with real titles, and real ball gowns. .
I have to count bc for bit more and I can go for month to Sicily.
We will see what life will bring. Surprise!